Hawaii Teachers
LESSON PLANS: JA Economics - GRADE 11-12
VIDEO: What is Capitalism? - GRADE 6-12
LESSON PLAN: Living in the "Great Depression" - GRADE 6-12
VIDEO: Why Did Contract Laborers Come to Hawaii? - GRADE 7-12
LESSON PLAN: How Much? - GRADE 7-12
LESSON PLAN: Price Control - GRADE 7-12
LESSON PLAN: Price Graph Stories - GRADE 7-12
LESSON PLAN: Shifting Demand vs Moving Along the Curve - GRADE 8
VIDEO: It's a Wonderful Loaf - GRADE 9-12
VIDEO: Supply and Demand Explained in 5 minutes - GRADE 8-12
LESSON PLAN: Externalities - GRADE 8-12
LESSON PLAN: Economic Good Types - GRADE 8-12
VIDEO: Art Laffer on the Laffer Curve - GRADE 9-12
VIDEO: Cash for Clunkers - GRADE 9-12
VIDEOS: Our Missing Trillions - GRADE 9-12
LESSON PLANS: Economics (1982): A One Semester High School Course - GRADE 9-12
RESOURCE: The Invention of Coinage in Ancient Lydia - GRADE 9-12
RESOURCE: Math in the Real World - GRADE 9-12
VIDEO: Historical Growth in Wealth and Living Standards - GRADE 9-12
RESOURCE: Hawaii Supply & Demand Mnemonic - GRADE 9-12
VIDEO: Externalities, Explained (When Is a Potato Chip Not Just a Potato Chip?) - GRADE 10-12
VIDEO: What If There Were No Prices? - GRADE 10-12
VIDEO: I, Pencil - GRADE 10-12
RESOURCE: The Road Not Taken - GRADE 10-12
LESSON PLAN: Money and Inflation - GRADE 10-12
VIDEO: Should Hawaii Abolish Zoning? - GRADE 10-12
LESSON PLAN: Economic Coordination and the Free Market - GRADE 10-12
VIDEO: Why Housing in Tokyo Is So Affordable - GRADE 10-12
LESSON PLAN: Trade-offs of Trade - GRADE 11-12
VIDEO: Tax Revenue and Deadweight Losses - GRADE 11-12
LESSON PLAN: Public Goods and Asteroid Defense - GRADE 11-12
LESSON PLAN: Cause and Effect Schematic - GRADE 11-12
LESSON PLAN: Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply - GRADE 11-12
LESSON PLAN: Traditional, Market, and Command Economic Systems - GRADE 11-12
LESSON PLANS: Economics (1994): A Resource Handbook for Teachers - GRADE 11-12
VIDEO: What Made the Modern World? - GRADE 11-12
VIDEO: What Do Prices Know That You Don't? - GRADE 11-12
VIDEOS: Rockonomix Contest - GRADE 11-12
ARTICLE: How Producer Costs Ultimately Come from Consumers - GRADE 12