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ONLINE COURSE: FEE - Entrepreneurship - GRADE 9-12

Online Course from the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) on Entrepreneurship consisting of videos, readings, activities, quizzes, and more. Note: a number of the Modules below focus on an Entrepreneurship-related Economics topic, rather than an Entrepreneurship topic itself.

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LESSON PLANS: JA Economics - GRADE 11-12

JA Economics JA Economics is a one-semester course that connects high school students to the economic principles that influence their daily life as well as their future. Through a variety of experient

RESOURCE: Empowered - GRADE 1-12

Register to join the Empowered Teacher Community by clicking on the 'request to join' button at the link below and receive 100+ entrepreneurship lesson plans and hands-on activities, lesson kits, acce

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