Hawaii Teachers
LESSON PLANS: More Economics! - GRADE K-6
RESOURCE: The Econ Song Book - GRADE K-6
PAID RESOURCES: Entrepreneurship Curricula - GRADE 1-12
LESSON PLAN: Units vs. Mass Production - An Edible Economics Activity - GRADE 3-8
LESSON PLAN: An Introduction to Demand - GRADE 4-6
RESOURCE: Junior Achievement of Hawaii - Entrepreneurship Curricula - GRADE 4-6
LESSON PLAN: Money Monsters Start Their Own Business - GRADE 4-8
LESSON PLANS: EVERFI Financial Literacy Education - GRADE 4-12
VIDEO: History of Transportation in Hawaii - GRADE 5-9
LESSON PLANS: What Economics! - GRADE 6
LESSON PLAN: BizKids Crash Course on Entrepreneurship - GRADE 6-8
VIDEO: How to Use Models - GRADE 6-9
VIDEO: How to Make a Scientific Claim - GRADE 6-9
VIDEO: What is Capitalism? - GRADE 6-12
VIDEO: The Origins of Money - GRADE 6-12
LESSON PLAN: Living in the "Great Depression" - GRADE 6-12
LESSON PLAN: Productivity and the Model T Ford - GRADE 6-12
VIDEO: Why Teachers Consistently Become Millionaires - GRADE 6-12