LESSON PLAN: Economics for Kids - GRADE 1
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A lesson plan teaching about prices, goods, wants & needs, and provides a basic introduction to how prices are formed by the interaction...
- Jul 15, 2019
LESSON PLAN: An Introduction to Demand - GRADE 4-6
An exercise to introduce the concept of demand and to illustrate the Law of Demand through a demand schedule and demand curve. For grades...
- Apr 15, 2017
VIDEO: How to Use Models - GRADE 6-9
A video describing how we can use models to usefully summarize aspects of the real world. This video can provide an introduction to the...
- May 15, 2016
A lesson plan for trade-offs, opportunity cost, and price formation. For grades 7-8..
- Jan 15, 2016
LESSON PLAN: What is Profit? - GRADE 7-12
An exercise to help students understand what profit is. Suitable for grades 7-12.
- Jan 15, 2016
LESSON PLAN: Price Graph Stories - GRADE 7-12
A lesson plan providing practice in constructing and interpreting demand graphs, supply graphs, and market equilibrium. Directed at...
- Jan 15, 2016
LESSON PLAN: How Many Should We Buy? - GRADE 7-12
Exercise on the Demand Curve for grades 7-12.
- May 15, 2015
LESSON PLAN: Price versus Value - GRADE 8
A lesson plan examining the difference between price and value, while also exploring economic concepts of demand, supply, and market...
- Jan 15, 2015
VIDEO: It's a Wonderful Loaf - GRADE 9-12
A video about the wonder of market coordination through prices. For grades 9-12. LINK
- Jan 15, 2015
VIDEO: Supply and Demand Explained in 5 minutes - GRADE 8-12
This video explains what economists really mean by 'supply' and 'demand' - not a 'thing' but in fact a relationship - that is customarily...
- Mar 15, 2014
LESSON PLAN: Intro to the Economy - Econ Vocab Exercise - GRADE 9-10
Econ vocabulary exercise covering demand, supply, and opportunity cost, among other economic terms. For grades 9-10.
- Jan 15, 2014
LESSON PLAN: Road to the Age of Discovery - GRADE 9-12
Exercise on Scarcity, and Supply and Demand Curve Shifts for grades 9-12.
- Jan 15, 2014
RESOURCE: Hawaii Supply & Demand Mnemonic - GRADE 9-12
Economics students can use this useful Diver & Surfboard mnemonic to remember that: The Demand curve (Diver) slopes downward - because...
- Jan 15, 2012
LESSON PLAN: Traditional, Market, and Command Economic Systems - GRADE 11-12
An exercise to help students understand the differences between Traditional, Market, and Command economic systems and how each operates....
- Jan 16, 2011
ARTICLE: How Producer Costs Ultimately Come from Consumers - GRADE 12
This article uses an unexpected surcharge levied by a restaurant in Ala Moana to clarify how the input costs a producer must pay...
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